Purdue CMS Tier-2 Center
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Submitting CMS Jobs

There are several methods of submitting CMS jobs to the computing resources at Purdue:

The optimal choice of a submission method depends on the nature and requirements of your task. The use cases and submission instructions for each method are given below.


CRAB jobs

CRAB (CMS Remote Analysis Builder) is a utility to submit CMSSW jobs to distributed computing resources. CRAB allows users to:

  • Access Data and Monte Carlo datasets stored at any CMS computing site worldwide.
  • Exploit the CPU and storage resources at CMS computing sites via Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG).
CRAB is suitable for running most CMSSW framework jobs (i.e. jobs launched via the cmsRun command). It is recommended to use CRAB for computationally intensive jobs, such as Monte Carlo generation or "skimming" AOD / MiniAOD datasets.

Instructions for submitting CRAB jobs


CMS-Connect jobs

CMS-Connect is a service designed to provide a Tier3-like environment for HTCondor analysis jobs. CMS-Connect is a complementary service to CRAB. It allows users to:

  • Submit jobs to all resources available in the CMS Global Pool (CMS computing resources of WLCG). 
  • Submit non-cmsRun jobs that are not suitable for running in a CRAB environment.

CMS-Connect job submission can be used when a CRAB-like distributed submission is desirable, but the jobs are not regular CMSSW jobs (cmsRun). 

Instructions for submitting CMS-Connect jobs


Slurm jobs

Slurm is a job scheduler and workload manager that enables batch submission locally on Purdue computing clusters. Slurm allows users to:

  • Utilize the local resources of Purdue computing clusters with lower latency compared to WLCG resources.
  • Submit jobs to dedicated queues to minimize wait times.
  • Design custom distributed workflows using third-party software such as Dask.

Slurm job submission is a preferred method for less computationally intensive tasks such as NanoAOD processing, producing histograms and plots, etc.

Instructions for submitting Slurm jobs


Slurm queues at Purdue clusters

To list the queues available to you on a particular cluster, type the slist command from the terminal.

Debug and standby queues:

  • All clusters have debug and standby queues with 30min and 4h time limits, respectively.
  • The debug queue is meant for quick tests, while standby can be used for longer general-purpose jobs.
  • These queues are shared by all research groups, therefore in case of a heavy job processing load, some wait time can be expected. 
  • Exceptions: Hammer's standby queue has a time limit of 12h; Negishi does not have a debug queue.

Dedicated queues:

  • Additionally, there are dedicated queues on different clusters, as listed below.
  • Please note: queues not listed here should not be relied upon, as they can be removed at any time!
Cluster Queue name Number of cores Time limit Notes
Hammer cms 7400 14 days standard priority
cms-a 3000 14 days higher priority
Gilbreth cms-f 4 14 days 2x Tesla V100
Bell cms 1216 14 days standard priority
gpu 512 2x AMD Instinct MI50
highmem 1024 1 day 4GB RAM per core
multigpu 48 2x AMD Instinct MI50
Negishi cms 4096 14 days standard priority
highmem 768 1 day 4GB RAM per core

CPU Utilization

Raw Storage Use

Raw Storage Use